Wednesday, September 30, 2015

NCRCN overall reflection of our conference 2015

NCRCN 2015 conference day  - 28th September

NCRCN attendees came together to reflect on our library service and practice and share ideas and learn from others.

The agenda for the day was:

9:30 am    Resource Link Brisbane Catholic Education Office
12:30 pm  State Library - explore services and spaces offered by State Library
2:00 pm    NCRCN meeting - purpose of NCRCN and the way forward
4:00pm    AGM

All attendees found the day very valuable in the future planning of their own resource centres gaining ideas about vision, services, change management, staffing to meet 21C libraries, meeting changing client needs, library space redesign and incorporation of library as creator of resources.

 The NCRCN meeting was purposeful in determining the value of NCRCN and structuring a way forward for NCRCN.
We started with the question:

What value does this group offer to members and the organisations they belong to? 

From this question we brainstormed and constructed the following:
Our purpose (draft) :

Sharing (facilitating, participating, nurturing, supporting) in the mission and evangelisation of the Catholic Church by

  • Connections 
  • Specialist library with Catholic identity 
  • Resource sharing 
  • Drawing on each libraries strength in collection.
  • Having access to diverse collections and service
  • Supporting teaching and learning in catholic organisations
  • Drawing on the combined strengths and expertise of our member resource centres
  • Cross pollination of ideas. 
  • Catholic identity - connection. 
  • Sharing ideas about new resources - intangible and print
  • Sharing resources
  • Point of need 
  • Being able to ask questions from others in similar environment. 


  1. Improve and increase access to the shared knowledge of the NCRCN group to ultimately support learning across our diocese
    1. Strategy: Make access to our email group easier, more seamless, transferable and be able to be utilised for questions and sharing more effectively.
      1. Task:  Move our NCRCN email list to a Google Group email
    2. Grow membership by engaging with other catholic resource centres
      1. Task: Contact each diocese, update membership and provide information to potential new members
  2. Demonstrate the benefits of membership through being an engaged community, sharing information.
    1. Strategy:  Share information in a variety of ways
      1. Task:  Encourage each diocese to blog twice a year to our NCRC blog about a service or value added resource that has supported, improved or engaged learning.
      2. Task : An online forum twice a year where diocese dialogue and share.
    2. Strategy: Be engaged in lifelong learning
      1. Task : Organise and partially fund a regular bi-annual conference piggy backed off other conferences suited to network needs.
Results of the AGM:
Elected onto the NCRCN 2016 committee in the following positions were:
  • President: Anne Russell (Wollongong)
  • Assistant President: Kate Lawry (Ballarat)
  • Secretary: Heather Lang (Broken Bay)
  • Assistant Secretary: Jenni Greblo (Bendigo)
  • Treasurer: Lisa Nash (Parramatta)
  • Assistant Treasurer: Kim Smith (Townsville)